Monitors Operation Rescue National
BARF Actions
The BARF Zero-Tolerance T-ShirtBoth of us have worn white T-shirts with these graphics to the demonstrations on Wednesday and Thursday.
Front | Back |
The photos on the front of the shirt are closeups of the faces of people who were participating in the actual blockades of clinic doors on Monday and Tuesday. Each of these individuals was either at the door, on the steps, or part of the crowd within about 15 feet of the door.
The woman in the top left corner is Eva Edl, and the white-haired gentleman on the right is the pastor of a Buffalo, New York church.
Reactions to these graphics by the anti-abortion demonstrators has been interesting to say the least! Some are very proud to have been caught on film while blockading a clinic, and some wish to obtain copies of the graphics for themselves. Some are ambivalent, and we've been accused (by the Buffalo pastor, in fact) of having produced the T-shirts only to sell them for profit. Hmmmm...
BARF! on Operation
Sunday, July 13, 1997, 6 pm
Protest at Christ Life Sanctuary, 4555 Marshall Road, Dayton. Please
park at either Ireland Park (across Marshall Road) or Ernst Park
(behind the church). Call the 24 hour BARFline for
detailed information, or view the
Christ Life Sanctuary
4555 Marshall Road; host of most of the week's activities.Fred and Katrina Wilson, pastors of Christ Life Sanctuary
Kettering First Church of God
1450 E. Dorothy Lane; hosted a Pastor's Breakfast on June 2. On Sunday July 13, churchgoers here will obviously be told to support Operation Rescue's political agenda.Far Hills Baptist Church
Miami Valley Pro-Life Alliance held their Life Academy '97 conference here, and the yearly Life Chain demonstration is organized from this church. It is unclear whether or not the church itself directly endorses these activities.
Operation Rescue National
Schedule of Events and Speaker List
Received 7/13/97; this is the first event and speaker list we've seen
that appears to be an official ORN release - no others included the
ORN logo. It includes a list of the pastors and churches that are
participating in Operation Rescue's invasion of Dayton.
"The Return to Truth" two-page brochure
"The Defender" from "The Jericho Project" 4 page newsletter dated May 1997
"Operation Rescue Meets Partial Birth Abortion"
"Return to Truth Schedule of Events"
"The Return to Truth - A Pledge for Nonviolence"
These are RealAudio recordings of telephone hotlines.
Return to Truth, Dayton (recorded 7/11/97)
Columbus Alliance for Life (recorded 7/11/97)
Pro-Life Action Network, Chicago (recorded 7/11/97)
Last updated 1997-7-21; reformatted 1998-1-18 and 2006-07-16