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Also from the creators of barf.org:

Acquire the Evidence - on Ron Luce and Teen Mania Ministries ("Battle Cry" Campaign)

The Answer is No - Answering Operation Save America in Columbus, Ohio - July 2004

Sabina's Diary at Daily Kos

Mike's Diary at Daily Kos

Articulations - wrapping words around that gut feeling (Mike and Sabina's Weblog)

Transcript: Michael Brown

BARF Primary Source Material

Michael Brown, partial transcript

Michael Brown is president of Brownsville Revival School of Ministry and of ICN Ministries, both of Pensacola, Florida.

0001   ...
0003   Not a revolution of hatred, not a revolution of violence,
0004   or intimidation and terror, or bullets and bombs, not a
0005   revelation, a revolution that beats up gays or bombs
0006   abortion clinics, not a revolution that hoards arms for
0007   some end-time clash with the Federal government. We do
0008   not believe in that, we renounce that. But let the White
0009   House know, let the media know, let Hollywood know, let
0010   the churches know, let the world know we are here to
0011   start a Jesus revolution.
0013   We are here to turn things right side up for the glory of
0014   God, we are here to make disciples, we are here to
0015   overthrow the status quo. We're here to overthrow the
0016   status quo of DNA tests to find out who the father is.
0017   The status quo of one abortion every 24 seconds. The
0018   status quo of legalized same-sex civil unions. The
0019   status quo of massacres in our houses of worship, in our
0020   schools.
0022   We are here to overthrow the status quo that legalizes
0023   sucking out the brains of third trimester babies, the
0024   status quo that legalizes the selling of the baby parts
0025   that have been aborted. We are here to overthrow the
0026   status quo that allows sodomy to be taught in our schools
0027   but not the scriptures.
0029   Oh yes, revolution is costly, so be it. Following Jesus
0030   is costly and it's time that we lay our lives on the line
0031   for the gospel. Jesus has never changed, he said if
0032   anyone wants to follow me he must deny himself, take up
0033   his cross, and follow me. We say, here we are Lord, at
0034   any cost, at any consequence, by life or by death, we're
0035   going to shake this generation.
0037   You read the gospels, and you find out Jesus was more of
0038   a revolutionary than he was a religious leader. You
0039   don't find him talking about church steeples and hymn
0040   books and choir robes and Easter cantatas and
0041   denominations. All those have their place. You find him
0042   talking about the kingdom of God coming in power. You
0043   find him talking about going against the grain of the
0044   establishment. You find him talking about changing the
0045   world and that is revolutionary.
0047   You need to know it, you need to understand it, it's
0048   going to be costly. When you swim against the tide, when
0049   you go against the grain, it's costly. Paul wrote from
0050   prison, he said "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in
0051   no way be ashamed but will have sufficent courage so that
0052   now as always Christ will be exulted in my body whether
0053   by life or by death for me to live is Christ and to die
0054   is gain." Here we are Jesus, use us for this
0055   revolutionary hour.
0057   Many of you young people, some from my generation, know
0058   the song by Keith Green, I pledge my head to heaven for
0059   the gospel. You may not know where he got the words
0060   from. He was reading Leonard Ravenhill's classic book
0061   "Why Revival Tarries." And he came across a quote from
0062   Joseph Parker. Parker was a contemporary of Spurgeon.
0063   And Parker said this: "The man whose little sermon is
0064   'repent' sets himself against his age, and he will for
0065   the time being be mercilessly battered by the age whose
0066   moral tone he challenges." He said, "there is but one
0067   end for such a man, off with his head." He said, "you
0068   better not try to preach repentance until you pledge your
0069   head to heaven."
0071   Let it be known today we are pledging our head, our body,
0072   our soul, our life, for revolution. We're pledging
0073   ourselves to heaven.
0075   You read through the book of Acts, the first believers
0076   were mistaken for revolutionaries. They accused Paul and
0077   Silas in Acts 16 of throwing the city into an uproar. In
0078   Acts 17 they said "the men who turned the world upside
0079   down have now come here." Acts 21, Paul was mistaken for
0080   an Egyptian who incited a revolt. Acts 24, he was
0081   accused of being a troublemaker and seditious. You
0082   understand that not many of us and not many of our
0083   Christian leaders are mistaken for revolutionaries these
0084   days? Watch gospel TV and travel from church to church,
0085   thank God for the good that's out there, but so many of
0086   our leaders could be mistaken for comedians, so many of
0087   us could be mistaken for entertainers, so many of us
0088   could be mistaken for successful CEO's. It's time out of
0089   allegiance to Jesus that we're mistaken for being
0090   revolutionaries.
0092   Read through the New Testament and you will find
0093   virtually every book of the New Testament talks about
0094   suffering, persecution, for the gospel. Why? Why was it
0095   that all of the original apostles save one or two were
0096   either crucified or beheaded or drowned? Why? Why were
0097   they put to death? Why were they considered such a
0098   threat?
0100   It's written in 2 Timothy 3:12, Paul writes, "Everyone
0101   who leads a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer
0102   persecution." Now please understand something. I'm not
0103   looking for persecution. I have no ambition to be boiled
0104   in oil. I don't have a longing to be gradually tortured
0105   to death. I'm happy to live a long life. We've got two
0106   wonderful daughters, my wife and I, we're now expecting
0107   our first grandchild. I've got an awesome bunch of
0108   students in our school. I'm happy to live a long time.
0109   However, if following Jesus costs me my blood, so be it.
0110   If standing up for what's right costs me my life so be
0111   it. It's better to live and die with a purpose [and] go
0112   home at the age of thirty than to live to the age of 110
0113   and waste your whole life.
0115   I want to ask you a question. Why is it that Jesus said,
0116   "if they persecuted me they'll persecute you also." And
0117   our brothers and sisters around the world are being
0118   persecuted. More Christians were killed in the last
0119   century than all previous centuries combined. Right now
0120   in Islamic countries, in Buddhist countries, and Hindu
0121   countries, atheistic countries our brothers and sisters
0122   are suffering severe persecution. How come we're not?
0123   Is it because America is such a wonderful Christian
0124   nation? I want you to hear me. More than thirty six
0125   percent of Americans claim to be Bible-believing
0126   Christians, would even call themselves, many of them,
0127   born-again. That's a hundred million people. You can go
0128   throughout the industrialized world and you will find in
0129   many of the countries in Europe less than one percent of
0130   the people are Bible-believing Christians. And yet hear
0131   this, in spite of all of our numbers, our gospel radio,
0132   our gospel tv, our conventions, our gatherings, our
0133   books, our tapes, all the things we do, America leads the
0134   industrialized world in single-parent families, leads the
0135   industrialized world in the highest abortion rate, leads
0136   the industrialized world in sexually transmitted
0137   diseases, has the highest teenage birthrate in the
0138   industrialized world, the highest rate of teenage drug
0139   use.
0141   In fifteen of our nations largest cities, more than
0142   ninety percent of the children born to teenagers are born
0143   out of wedlock. We spend nine billion dollars a year on
0144   pornography. We spend 638 billion dollars a year on
0145   legalized gambling. And so much of the current state of
0146   America can be traced to the counter-culture revolution
0147   of the sixties. We've heard some of the stats earlier
0148   today but hear it again. From the sixties until today
0149   the divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled.
0150   I wonder where the church was during the counterculture
0151   revolution.
0153   From 1960 until today prison population has gone up five
0154   times, children born out of wedlock has gone up six
0155   times, people living together out of wedlock has gone up
0156   seven times. I say we need a new counter-culture
0157   revolution.
0159   In 1972 less than one in twenty fifteen year old girls
0160   had lost their virginity. Today it's about four in ten.
0161   What's happened? Listen friends, we have not changed the
0162   world, the world has changed us.
0164   This is not to condemn those who've been through divorce,
0165   but this is the sad fact that the divorce rate in the
0166   church today than the divorce rate among atheists. We
0167   need a revolution.
0169   Super Bowl Sunday comes, and our churches cancel their
0170   Sunday night services. Preachers are careful on Sunday
0171   morning to end at 12 o'clock sharp so everyone can go
0172   home for the games. Friends, we're a nation of idol
0173   worshipers, our hearts are divided. We need a
0174   revolution.
0176   About 10 years ago a movie came out, called The Last
0177   Temptation of Christ. Understandably a lot of believers
0178   were grieved over it, scandalized by it. But something
0179   worse than the movie happened. Christians all over
0180   America said to movie theatres, "We will no longer go to
0181   your theater, we will boycott your theater if you show
0182   The Last Temptation of Christ." And I wonder, with all
0183   of the sleze and filth and violence and junk that's in
0184   the movie theaters, how did we have power to threaten
0185   them with a boycott? How is it we were living in those
0186   theaters so much they're afraid to lose our business?
0187   That would be like the church having power to boycott the
0188   local bar during happy hour. We don't like your
0189   bartender so we won't go there anymore unless you get rid
0190   of him. Friends, something is wrong with that picture.
0191   We need a revolution, we need our eyes opened.
0193   Did you know that in the Islamic world, a legalistic
0194   religion that does not bring people to know God
0195   personally, in spite of its zeal, in the Islamic world
0196   the leaders do not consider the gospel to be the greatest
0197   threat. They consider Western worldliness to be the
0198   greatest threat. Listen to one of their leaders, it says
0199   "Islam was defeated by its own rulers who ignored the
0200   divine law in the name of Western style secularism." This
0201   is a Muslim leader. "We have lost large sections of our
0202   youth to Western ideology, dress, music and food."
0204   You know that some years ago some educators from
0205   Communist Russia when it was Communist came to America
0206   and they wanted to meet Christian teenagers and find out
0207   about Christian schools and see what was being worked in
0208   their lives. And one Christian leader brought these
0209   educators to meet with the finest he had, you know what
0210   they said afterwards, they were so disappointed. One of
0211   them said this: "I was somewhat disappointed in your
0212   children, since they are Christians I expected there
0213   would be concern more about spiritual things. Instead
0214   they're more materialistic than the Marxist youth in my
0215   country. They seem to be devoid of any lofty idealistic
0216   vision."
0218   In the 1920s there was a leading Socialist, he said, "We
0219   socialists would have nothing to do if you Christians had
0220   continued the revolution begun by Jesus." Let it be
0221   known we are here to continue that revolution.
0223   So many of us, as believing parents, we fall right into
0224   the same trap, we don't realize, listen to me. We tell
0225   our kids, you've got to do well in school, why, so you
0226   can get into the best university, why, so you can get the
0227   best job, why, so you can take the best care of your
0228   family, why, so your kids can go to the best university,
0229   why, so they can get the best job, why, so they can take
0230   care of their kids the best.
0232   Friends, we are not here for the preservation of the
0233   human race, we're here for the transformation of the
0234   human race. Survival is not our goal, revival is our
0235   goal.
0237   I was just in an Oriental country ministering recently
0238   and I was shocked by the godlessness, something unusual
0239   in an Oriental country. Divorce rate was up to twenty
0240   three percent, worldliness was everywhere. I said to a
0241   man there from Teen Challenge, a Christian leader, I
0242   said, "how much did America have to do with the moral
0243   decline of your country?" He said, "Once MTV came in it
0244   was all over."
0246   Let me tell you a little story. Richard Wurmbrand,
0247   Jewish Christian, pastor, Romania, suffered terrible
0248   torture, unbelievable suffering, for fourteen years.
0249   Three years in solitary confinement, daily brutal
0250   torture, carved up, broken up, pierced through, burned,
0251   frozen. He came out of prison, he was speaking at a
0252   bible study in America, he was sharing about the horrors
0253   of Communist persecution. One of the men at the bible
0254   study said, "Pastor Wurmbrand, how come is it that we
0255   don't have to deal with Communism here in America?"
0256   Pastor Wurmbrand said, "Oh, you have something far worse.
0257   You have materialism."
0259   The love of this world has put us to sleep. We're not
0260   willing to lay down our lives for a cause because we're
0261   in love with this world. We're addicted to entertainment
0262   like the unsaved are, we're obsessed with sports like the
0263   unsaved are, our sensual fashions, our bikini parties,
0264   just like the unsaved. Well let me make a proclaimation
0265   today. The counterculture revolution of the 1960s was
0266   marked by people taking their clothes off, the Jesus
0267   revolution of the new millenium will be marked by people
0268   putting their clothes back on.
0270   The Jesus revolution will be marked by purity and dignity
0271   and honor and morality and sanity. I want you to
0272   understand something. See, revolution comes when people
0273   say "enough is enough." Revolution comes when they get
0274   to the breaking point. Like Patrick Henry, "give me
0275   liberty or give me death." Revolution comes when people
0276   are backed against the wall.
0278   I want you to realize something today. I want you to
0279   understand how far we have fallen as a nation, knowing
0280   that America was never a perfect Christian nation.
0281   America has been marred by slavery and racism and
0282   injustice and other sins through our history. I
0283   understand that. But I want to give you a glimpse of
0284   something. Listen, here's what kids would learn the
0285   alphabet by in 1777, here's the alphabet, beginning with
0286   A: "A in Adam's fall we sinned all." C: "Christ
0287   crucified for sinners die." T: "Young Timothy learned sin
0288   to flee." This is what they cut their teeth on.
0290   Here's a book from 1880 that a friend gave, she got it
0291   from her great-great grandmother. Noah Webster's
0292   elemental spelling book, called the best-selling book on
0293   spelling in its day. Here's some of the lessons that
0294   kids would read. Listen to this. "Do not attempt to
0295   deceive God." See it didn't dawn on them that they were
0296   supposed to keep God out of the schools, it didn't dawn
0297   on them that it was unconsitutional. Even our chief
0298   Justice, William Reinquist, fifteen years ago said that
0299   the founding fathers, the authors of the Bill of Rights
0300   would be shocked to find out that it was unconstitutional
0301   for a state to endorse prayer.
0303   Stephen Carter, a law professor at Yale University, said
0304   the separation of the church and state was to protect the
0305   church from the state, not the state from the church.
0306   It's been turned upside down.
0308   "Do not attempt to deceive God," this is a children's
0309   reader, "nor to mock him with solemn words. Lost, your
0310   heart is set to do evil. A holy life will disarm death
0311   of its sting." Children reading had more sense than some
0312   of our educated folk today. Listen to this. "It is the
0313   duty of every good man to inspect the moral conduct of
0314   the man who is offered as a legislator at our yearly
0315   elections. If the people wish for good laws, they may
0316   have them by electing good men."
0318   Now here are some of today's books. "Heather Had Two
0319   Mommies." How 'bout this one? Endorsed by the School
0320   Library Journal, useful for elementary level classes in
0321   sexuality or family life. This is a great book for
0322   elemental education. It's been used in schools. I can't
0323   read what's in here. Here, I'll start, I'll have to
0324   stop. This is for children, with pictures, learning how
0325   to read. "One way to get sexually aroused or to enjoy
0326   sexy feelings is to touch or rub or play with your own
0327   body." Then with nine diagrams telling you how. Or how
0328   'bout this? "When grownups choose someone to be one of
0329   their sexual partners, they sometimes choose a person of
0330   the same sex, and they sometimes choose a person of the
0331   other sex." I say, we need a revolution.
0333   Do you think the founding fathers envisioned that
0334   America, where our tax dollars pay for condom
0335   demonstrations but you couldn't give out bibles, you
0336   think our founding fathers envisioned that America, where
0337   there'd be massacres in our schools and when people go to
0338   put crosses up they're pulled down in the name of the
0339   founding fathers?
0341   Do you think our founding fathers envisioned curriculum
0342   being taught about people urinating on each other for
0343   sexual pleasure? But if that same class went to pray,
0344   they would be called unconstitutional? I say we need a
0345   revolution.
0347   We need to overthrow the status quo. You say, but
0348   brother, that might cost me something. That may cost me
0349   my job, that may cost me my livelihood. You know in
0350   America we're so used to the great blessings. We tell
0351   people come to Jesus, if you're having problems in your
0352   marriage he'll bless your marriage, having family
0353   problems he'll bless your family, problems on your job
0354   he'll prosper you, and he does all those things. But you
0355   go to other countries and you tell the people, if you're
0356   married and you follow Jesus you may lose your wife, or
0357   your husband. If you have a family they may disown you,
0358   if you have a job you may lose it.
0360   In 1965 the civil rights movement was nonviolent, led by
0361   Dr. Martin Luther King. But people were getting beaten
0362   on, we are nonviolent but there may be violence done
0363   against us. Revolution may cost blood, our blood, we
0364   don't take life, we give life. We don't hurt, we heal.
0365   The one who's crucified doesn't crucify anybody else.
0366   But people are getting afraid. Busses were coming
0367   together. We show this video to our students at the
0368   school of ministry. Busses were coming and people riding
0369   the busses for civil rights, people were getting beat and
0370   the busses were getting burned. So Dr. King addressed
0371   this. He addressed it, "in our nonviolent creed there
0372   are some things worth dying for."
0374   Listen to what he said. "If a man happens to be
0375   thirty-six years old, as I happen to be, and some great
0376   truth stands before the door of his life, some great
0377   opportunity to stand up for that which is right, he's
0378   afraid his home will get bombed, or he's afraid to lose
0379   his job, or he's afraid he will get shot or beat down by
0380   state troopers. He may go on and live until he's eighty,
0381   but he's just as dead at thirty-six as he would be at
0382   eighty. And the cessation of breathing in his life is
0383   merely the belated announcement of an earlier death of
0384   the spirit."
0386   Listen to what Dr. King said. "A man dies when he
0387   refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies
0388   when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when
0389   he refuses to take a stand for that which is true. Jesus
0390   said, 'if you save your life, you'll lose it. But if you
0391   lose your life for my sake and the gospel, you'll find
0392   it.'"
0394   Jesus said don't fear those who can kill you, because
0395   that's all they can do to you. We look death in the face
0396   and we say ha, we are more than conquerors. If we live,
0397   we enjoy life, we live with vigor and with gusto and we
0398   do the will of God, and we use wisdom and caution. But
0399   hear me, if following Jesus costs us our lives that's
0400   just a promotion to glory.
0402   Some years ago we were at a meeting with Richard
0403   Wurmbrand in Maryland. He was well into his eighties.
0404   This man had at times been stood up in an upright coffin
0405   with sharp razor blades coming out of it, locked in
0406   there, if he moved an inch he'd be sliced alive. Listen,
0407   he suffered because he knew if he preached Jesus he'd go
0408   to jail. He knew if he stood for righteousness he'd go
0409   to jail. Jesus said blessed are all those who are
0410   persecuted for righteousness. But he preached and he
0411   obeyed and he went to prison once, twice, three times.
0412   And he sat with a bunch of believers in Maryland a few
0413   years ago and he said, "When the Supreme Court outlawed
0414   mandatory prayer in the schools in 1962," he said, "why
0415   did you obey?"
0417   We are not troublemakers, we are submitted people. We
0418   are peacemakers. We are not rebels, but when we have to
0419   make a choice we obey God rather than man.
0421   Let me just take another minute. Here me. Young people
0422   you may not realize how far things have fallen. In 1960
0423   parents were scandalized by Elvis shaking his hips.
0424   Today a rap artist whose name you know, at times was
0425   selling more than one million CDs and tapes a week, and
0426   his lyrics were talking about sodomizing his mother and
0427   gang-raping his sister. We need a revolution.
0429   We've gone from Ozzie and Harriet to Melrose Place.
0430   We've gone from family cartoon shows like the Flintstones
0431   to South Park and the Simpsons. We've gone from a
0432   recognition that homosexuality was a sinful lifestyle to
0433   the point now where if you call it sinful you're the
0434   sinner, and bills are being legislated to bring before
0435   Congress that would brand it hate speech if you said
0436   adultery is sin, alcohol drinking is sin, drunkenness
0437   sin, drug use is sin, homosexuality is sin, the moment
0438   you say those words that would be hate speech.
0440   Leonard Ravenhill said if we don't learn to concentrate
0441   in prayer we'll have to learn to pray in concentration
0442   camps. We wake up now or forever we pay the price.
0444   Listen to me. There were nice talk shows on TV talking
0445   about all kinds of different subjects, they didn't have
0446   shows where they're interviewing some young lady and she
0447   said "well I left my husband because he was having
0448   affairs with his homosexual brother and I ran off with my
0449   girlfriend who used to be a guy and had a sex change
0450   operation." Friends nobody was even talking about
0451   that. Now it's common on television. We need a
0452   revolution.
0454   The first 246 colleges in America from our beginning
0455   until 1860, more than two hundred twenty of them were
0456   started by Christian denominations. And the model of
0457   Harvard was for the glory of Christ. We need a
0458   revolution.
0460   Let me ask you something. What are you here for anyway?
0461   What are you here for anyway? Nate Saint who was martyred
0462   by the Auca Indians in 1956 said this: "People who do not
0463   know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as
0464   missionaries." He said, "they forget they too are
0465   expending their lives and when the bubble has burst they
0466   will have nothing of eternal significance to show for
0467   it." A revolutionary, even an atheist, with no hope in
0468   the world to come, will lay his life down for a cause
0469   because he realizes there's more to life than eating and
0470   drinking, and having a nice life.
0472   Jim Elliott who was martyred also in 1956 prayed while he
0473   was in college, "Lord I don't ask you for a long life but
0474   for a full one like yours."
0476   ...

Last updated December 8, 2000


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